Thursday, August 22, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Short Post
It's been a long while since I've posted anything.
Well I'm currently in Canada having my summer vacation.
Havent really been to anywhere other than Ontario since I don't think my saving cam last me to travel.
It's kinda expensive to travel to the west and I really want to go to Vancouver.
Anyway, I'm heading off to the East on 3rd August so I won't be around for a week and 30th Augst to New York for 4 days.
Like a finally able to go America, I don't know why, the greyhound.com doesn't seems to accept my credit card. Maybe because I ain't from America but website like this should be international right?
Well then, I will update more in-depth when I return to UK after summer and of course PHOTOS~~
So till then!
It's been a long while since I've posted anything.
Well I'm currently in Canada having my summer vacation.
Havent really been to anywhere other than Ontario since I don't think my saving cam last me to travel.
It's kinda expensive to travel to the west and I really want to go to Vancouver.
Anyway, I'm heading off to the East on 3rd August so I won't be around for a week and 30th Augst to New York for 4 days.
Like a finally able to go America, I don't know why, the greyhound.com doesn't seems to accept my credit card. Maybe because I ain't from America but website like this should be international right?
Well then, I will update more in-depth when I return to UK after summer and of course PHOTOS~~
So till then!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Sleep for the weak?
Many people told me that ‘Sleep is for the weak!’
I’ve always wonder how is that true?
My questions:
- What have you been doing for you to think sleep is for the weak?
o Spending too much time doing nothing?
Spending too much time goofing around?
- Do you not have enough time to finish whatever you need to do for the day?
- Do you not care about your own health for the future?
You who are being sleep deprive:
- How well do you function for the day?
- Did you manage to clear your entire work load?
- Did your brain work as efficiently as you hope it would be?
So just because I slept early to end my day means I’m weak?
Isn’t it because I’ve managed to finish whatever I’m
required to do for the day and a little bit for the next day that I felt
satisfied to turn in?
For me, I still think that:
Sleep is a must for everyone in order to perform their best
the next day.
If you ever thought about sleep is for the weak then what
have you been doing the whole day to insist eating up your sleeping time to do
another thing?
I would say that it is indeed hard to balance:
Still my personal opinions stand.
Everyone needs sleep for at least 7.5hours – 9hours.
You may conclude that 4hours is enough to recharge but is it
really enough?
Don’t you think taking care of your health from young is
It gives you ample time to finish your bucket list or whatever
you want to do in life.
It’s time to take a little time and think about it.
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9AA, UK
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Sky Dive
Hello people!
I've decided to post something while taking a break between my studies.
Yeap! After my road trip for a whole week, I'm going through all my work to catch up with studies.
I must confess that I've been skipping school for numerous time which made me feel guilty but as long as my result comes out fine, I bet I will be forgiven right?
Anyway, on 5th April 2013 a group of us set off to a single location for a single purpose on the following day. Can you guess?
You should know if you didn't miss out the Title! (:
It's a once in a life-time must do thing.
Basically, it maybe expensive and scary but I swear it's the best experience you will ever get.
The feeling of being free in the sky and having to see part of the world high up in the sky. Wosh~
I'm really scared about it before the actual day itself but who knows the fear that has been bugging me was gone the moment I'm in flying in the sky.
You will definitely grow stronger after conquering your fear.
I would say I'd love the feeling of being in the sky because it made me feel free from everything that has tied me down and tight to the earth.
As a freedom lover, who doesn't enjoy being free for all those even for just a short 15-30 minutes?After seeing a photo of mine don't you wanna get yours too?
You can start google-ing about sky diving and also see some youtube video.
Well there are NO activities in this world with NO accident records at all but as long as you follow their steps, I guarantee that you will be fine!
What's there in life if you don't believe that everything will work out fine as long as you have the courage to face it?So one more check done from my bucket list!
I've been wondering when will I ever finish doing my bucket list but you know.. There's so much to do in this world and I bet one will never be able to finish everything that includes mine. But I do know there is a few listed as top priorities that I would definitely regret if I never get a chance or did not do it.
Never do anything half-heartedly because you will never know when it will benefits you in the future.Hokay! So the next day after sky diving, the whole lot of us went off to Flamborough and Whitby for a picnic. The weather was cloudy and windy almost freeze most of us up when we're by the sea side but at least it did not rain otherwise our plan would have failed.
Had our own games that's filled with fun and laughter all the way till home.
There's nothing much I would say about these two places but for travellers by some chance driving towards Whitby, don't miss out Robin Hood Bay which is only accessible if you're driving, as for us due to shortage of time.. We had to skip that place. ):<
Headed back to Leeds for dinner at Oriental City (only easy accessible with car) but I think I lost my appetite since the morning which I don't know why and it lasted for quite a few days.
But now I'm feeling better but my meal timing is weirdddd..
I think it's because of my study duration, I don't want to lose focus and concentration that's why I only ate around 3pm which means my dinner is later. Oh well as long as I'm not starving myself then everything is fine!
Alrightyy! Time to start my study mode!
Perseverance result will show itself when the time comes.
Road Trip,
Sky Diving,
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9AA, UK
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter Vacation Part 1
Hello people!
I know its been a while since I post anything. (Half of it was due to my laziness)
Anyway March had been a great month for me personally and it will get even better as time passes.
Well the first day of vacation marks the start for my road trip(s);
First day - Conwy, Wales
Heading off to Wales out of a random suggestion from me, I might have suggested a place but the research base was handed off to someone else.
I'm tired of doing research of places to go.. Only if I could meet someone who doesn't mind just heading down to see what's there to do. Doesn't that sound more adventures?
So it's all the same old thing we do;
It's a really far drive down to the south west of UK (6-8hours drive).
Woah hoah~ Claps for the driver!
I think I'm gonna let the picture do most of the speech.
Right! That's all for my first week of Road trip!
There's still activities happening and I will update it when I have the next feel!
But I need to apologise for the crappy post and content this time since I'm kinda lazy to elaborate into all the stuff.
Very sorry reader if you're confused or anything. It just my thoughts have not been coming together well.
Before ending off my post, I would love to share this lady who build her dream (Minack theatre) by herself
I know its been a while since I post anything. (Half of it was due to my laziness)
Anyway March had been a great month for me personally and it will get even better as time passes.
Well the first day of vacation marks the start for my road trip(s);
First day - Conwy, Wales
Heading off to Wales out of a random suggestion from me, I might have suggested a place but the research base was handed off to someone else.
I'm tired of doing research of places to go.. Only if I could meet someone who doesn't mind just heading down to see what's there to do. Doesn't that sound more adventures?
So it's all the same old thing we do;
- Visiting Castle
- Popping into recommended cafe for scones
- Photo spamming
Conwy Castle |
The smallest house in Britain |
It did rain the whole day but that didn't wash off our walking spirit so we headed off to Great Orme for a short picnic and break.
Road Trip buddy~ |
Sum it up, the day isn't as bad as it seems right?
Second day was pretty easy around Leeds since the big day tomorrow.
Off to Trinity Farm (I think?) for breakfast, in fact we wanted to go Chester farm but the driver doesnt seems to like farm?
Anyway, ate breakfast and stroll along the big field, reminiscing our childhood and take it easy for a sunday~
Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Leon J.Suenes
Third day - Alton Tower (Theme park)
How exciting isn't it?
Pirate Ship |
Veritcal Drop |
There are many fun rides of course, it just I'm playing around too much instead of snapping pitcures.
Ahaha, Come on~ Who goes to theme park just for photos?
Conquer all most of the scary rides and I would say its the best to be in a Theme Park when there isn't alot of people around which means:
Life's either a daring adventure or nothing.
Next stop: CornwallHellen Keller
It's a really far drive down to the south west of UK (6-8hours drive).
Woah hoah~ Claps for the driver!
I think I'm gonna let the picture do most of the speech.
North Cliff |
Right! That's all for my first week of Road trip!
There's still activities happening and I will update it when I have the next feel!
But I need to apologise for the crappy post and content this time since I'm kinda lazy to elaborate into all the stuff.
Very sorry reader if you're confused or anything. It just my thoughts have not been coming together well.
Before ending off my post, I would love to share this lady who build her dream (Minack theatre) by herself
The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: Common-sense and Perseverance.
Owen FelthamAdios!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
27th Feb 2013
Hello peeps!
It has been a very long time since I blogged!
Yeahhh I know! Been busy and recently 'Reports' and 'Assignment' deadline are coming up.
And previously I was helping out in the Cultural Dance and M-Night Dance.
Here's the preview of the photo, more on facebook Kaki Kaki Bang Bang. (I'm just a dancer not the cast!)
![]() |
They are so freaking awesome!
Omg! Recorded most of their songs till my phone died on me and that's very saddening since I didn't manage to record the last song which is the song that made me like their singing and album so much!
- Standing in the dark
Go search for it and listen, I bet you will love it as well~
It's worth the money just like Cold Play or The Script.
They maybe amateur but good enough to make me like most of the songs in their first album.
Keep up the Good Work Lawson! <3
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Lawson Concert Tickets <3 |
My eyes are closing and I'm freaking tired for some reason which I, myself dont even know
I will be updating about a few trips and games coming up soon~
Okays! Have a good weekend everyone! <3
Friday, February 1, 2013
Next Stop!
Hello peeps!
Guess what!
I found my next stop for R&R! Yay!
It's beautiful from picture and I hope when I visit it won't disappoint me much!
1000 Year Old Yew Trees in West Wales - Imgur
I will have a picture of my own when I took it but for now the credits is from others!
Not much information of the location except 'West Wales' so wait till I hunt for the trees, I will definitely state specifically where you could find it! (:
Guess what!
I found my next stop for R&R! Yay!
It's beautiful from picture and I hope when I visit it won't disappoint me much!
1000 Year Old Yew Trees in West Wales - Imgur
I will have a picture of my own when I took it but for now the credits is from others!
Not much information of the location except 'West Wales' so wait till I hunt for the trees, I will definitely state specifically where you could find it! (:
West Wales,
Yew Tree
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9AA, UK
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Little things
Hello people,
Before I disappear for a few weeks, I wanna share a photo uploaded by my 'bro' to his girlfriend.
Seriously all the honey bees are coming!
HAHAH! But that shows how loving they are.
I could even imagine when they grow old, they will be sitting on a bench holding hands.
Mushy Mushy!
![]() |
Simple 4 letters word
I still need to decide whether to go back home or go canada for my summer break.
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9AA, UK
Monday, January 7, 2013
Winter Vacation Part 2 + Continuation of Part 1
Hello people!
I know my previous post seems kinda short..
The reason is my mind is a bit crowded with many things and also I didn't really had enough sleep since my travelling of Europe starts.
And this current post will be erm.. *cough* long!
I've too much to share and I wanna talk about the previous trip as well due to lack of elaboration in the post and picture only tells part of the story!
*Bows* Apologise!
I felt I lost some weight as well after having diarrhoea for the whole day. Hahah!
How nice though it isn't the best way to lose weight. (Kids.. Don't learn, kays?)
Since I've just recovered from diarrhoea, my thoughts are kinda here and there again (Can't concentrate) don't worry.. I will take my time to post this time.
Not really take my time as SCHOOL is STARTING meaning ASSIGNMENT + LAB REPORTS DEADLINE *Faint* and I've yet to submit the new chapter for my story but I will try to make this post helpful for anyone who stumble across looking for information planning their trip around Europe. (:
I guess I shall start with my Vacation Part 2 before Part 1 just like how the Title is written.
Edinburgh (3d2n) - Newcastle(2d1n) - Amsterdam(4d3n) - Paris(4d3n) : Total days including travelling time: 13 days
Met 2 Australia backpacker while travelling towards Edinburgh and kept each other company through the night. (Nice couple!)
I saw someone who I've never expected to see.. LORD OF THE RING - PEREGRIN "PIPPIN" TOOK - BILLY BOYD (Not very sure if he's the real person or just someone who looks like him)
I was quite shocked when I saw him and he kinda rushing and covering his face with his hair to get away from me as I'm literally just STARING at him. HAHAHAH!
Alright back to topic, stuff to do in Edinburgh;
- Edinburgh Castle (Must Visit)
- Edinburgh National Museum
- Carlton Hill
- Arthur Seats
- Christmas Market (if you ever travel there during the Christmas period)
Just beware of the weather when tracking Arthur Seats, I trekked up with a light drizzle that turn into heavy rain when I'm almost reaching the top that I've no choice but to turn back and head downwards.
However due to the rain, the route which are muddy became a killer for me. Thanks to my friend who have a trekking shoes which save my life many times, I literally just slide down as if I'm skiing.
Now stuff to do in Newcastle;
- Angel of the North (Bus 56 *if I'm not wrong*)
- Newcastle Stadium (if you're a fan)
- Millennium bridge
My favourite photo. How nice it will be if there isn't other people in it. |
Newcastle Stadium |
Millennium Bridge |
This old couple are very friendly and loving. Kinda hope that's what going to happen with me and my future husband! x: |
Nothing much to do in Newcastle so half a day trip is more than enough but if you're heading to the Angel of North best time to go is in the morning where you will be able to take photos without other people inside.
Travelling to Amsterdam is kinda tiring since it's a 18 hours bus ride but cost 25.5 quid. *Omg! How budget can I get?* Hahah!
Well I do have time to travel like this so why not save up more on transportation cost and spend it on other things?
Things you won't be able to miss in Amsterdam;
Well I do have time to travel like this so why not save up more on transportation cost and spend it on other things?
Things you won't be able to miss in Amsterdam;
- Sex Museum
- Palace in the centre of the city with 2 other attraction.
- Amsterdam Dungeon
- Residential Area of women
- Condom Shop
- Seeds Store
- Coffeeshop
- Red Light District
- Torture Museum
It's Christmas! So Santa.. Where's my present? |
Sex Museum |
Palace |
Amsterdam Dungeon - about 20euros++ for entrance |
Residential Area |
Different style condoms. HAHAH! |
Flower Market |
Seeds Bank |
Coin souvenir by a very Spontaneous tourist who willing pose for my camera! |
Red light district |
Basically 3 days 2 nights is more than enough to cover Amsterdam, I stayed a day more due to my friend not wanting to return earlier.. In the end, I felt like wasting a day of my life there but oh well. (No hatred)
Things to take note:
- Do not snap photos of the prostitute, if you really want to have a photo there then take if from far. You don't really want to mess with them! (They are fierce!)
- Beware of your belongings as the streets are very crowded.
- Drug dealers everywhere by the street standing alone near coffeshop or souvenir shop.
Before ending my Amsterdam trip, I have to show this photo of a little boy. He's just too cute, how nice it will be if he's all grown up and I'm gonna be all over him then. HAHAH!
Right straight to Paris, took a bus (cheaper than train for sure) still considered expensive - 41 euros *Student Price*
I know that o.m.f.g face if you convert it to your own currency.
Anyway the bus ride is about 7 hours as we stop by Brussels before reaching our destination.
I know that o.m.f.g face if you convert it to your own currency.
Anyway the bus ride is about 7 hours as we stop by Brussels before reaching our destination.
People told me how nice and many things to do in Paris which really excites me but when I reached there, I thought otherwise.
As usual 4 days 3 nights might be a bit too much considering when and where we went.
As usual 4 days 3 nights might be a bit too much considering when and where we went.
Stuff to do in Paris;
- Museum de Louvre
- Eiffel Tower
- De Champs Street
- Attractions and more attractions!
- Disneyland (if you don't mind spending)
Eiffel Tower |
De Louvre |
Looks familiar? |
Ferries Wheel |
Disneyland Mascot. |
That concludes my 13 days trip around Western Europe! Paris is lovely but when activities met public holidays, it will be boring.
Things to take note in Paris:
Things to take note in Paris:
- Take good care of your belongings even in hostel. (People were robbed right outside hostel)
- Be alert whenever you go especially in the night when you take metro.
- Speak a bit of french so people will treat you kinder.\
- Don't buy souvenir straight when you first enter a shop, check out the shop along the path.
- Bargain! They will not decrease the price but you can get more quantity!
- Smile and smile!
Phewwww! That's all for my Vacation Part 2!
Now let us go back to Part 1, where I went Sweden - Kiruna.
Stockholm City is a stop before boarding domestic flight to Kiruna.
Experiences! It's the best to try anything, dare or don't.
Now let us go back to Part 1, where I went Sweden - Kiruna.
Stockholm City is a stop before boarding domestic flight to Kiruna.
- Never guard your belongings alone if you're travelling with many people. (At least 2 person)
- Never leave your valuables on visible sight. (This will make you the main target.)
- Never go alone into alley.
- Know the local police number.
- Be alert.
My friend left his camera on the table and I was the only one taking care the belongings, one of them came to distract my attention and the other grab the camera and dash off.
I did not notice till my friend came back asking if I saw his camera, I was guilty about it after knowing what happen. If I'm more alert, this wont had happened so yeah.
A warning for all travellers!
Don't let my mistake become yours as well!
Travel safe for a enjoyable trip!
After leaving Stockholm, we left for Kiruna staying in one of the camp site that was said to be the best place in that city for Aurora.
It's so cold yet fun staying there.
Made snowman (I did help out by bringing water for them to make)
Made ROCK snowball (Seriously, I don't understand how it became a rock.)
Ride Snowmobile (Almost like bike and I wondered how many times my pillion had to pull me back so I don't fly off when passing a bump. HAHHA)
Experiences! It's the best to try anything, dare or don't.
Think of it this way, you might not have the chance to next time!
The total expenditure for Sweden (5 Days 4 Nights) is about 600-700 quids.
The total expenditure for Europe (13 Days 12 Nights) is about 600 quids.
Don't compare between those two because Northern Light is never cheap!
Now after all my travelling, it's time to eat grass and be Buddha since I've spent all my pocket money for the trips. ):
Pray I don't become a stick! Haha!
Any question, you could leave a comment!
I will do my very best to answer, I guess that concludes my Part 1 now.
I need to start with my Lab Reports and revision (still early but who cares!)
One of my favourite: Brotherly Love! |
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