Hello lovelies!
No pictures for this post since no photos were taken till now except films but gotta develop it first.
It's winter yet there isnt any snow, no rain when it's under 0 and rain when its above 2. What a good timing for the rain to come..
Recently I've noticed something and I've just clarified yesterday.. It made me think about how weak a bond is towards every human. It's like you hate it when people find you only when they need it but yet you're doing it to others too. I dont really know what's going on inside your brain but I'm not at home, perhaps the answer will be there when I go back. I've learned "Patience is virtue"
I dont really know what to type now so I'm going to blog once I came back from my travel trips! :3
Monday, December 19, 2011
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tin Tin
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Peektures! (Love letters from the Lovelies you find in the picture!) |
Its been awhile since I've blogged so I'ma start with pictures first!
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Bon Fire night! |
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The ultra large cup compensate by Sportsdirect due to the delay of package! (Its ultra mega huge!) |
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Homemade Hei Bie Hiam by my mum and fried tofu (The black thing suppose to be red but my phone camera seems to took it black) |
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Bah Kuet Teh (I said I'm going to make it! And there it is! Heheh! Taste Guarantee!) |
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Road home look at the trees |
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The path home! |
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Downhill (Taken before heading to Cinema!) |
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Phone camera cant take the back view! (Wanted it to be artistic though /:) |
Yeap that's my stories that happened.
Recently there are a few cases of the robbing and stabbing thingy in Leeds, pretty dangerous but I dont see that it affect anyone here, they still go out every night to drink and have fun.
Well I dont really care anyway as long as it doesnt happen on me that will be fine!
Had Dim Sum at Tong Palace with SingSoc people yesterday, its freaking... GOOD! *Nomnomnom* I think that I've eaten too much and I'll definitely grow fat here.. ): *What a sinful night* But it just taste like heaven! Heheh Head home walking pass the dangerous park (it's a compulsory road back home) and back home safe and sound! I thought might be able to tahan a while before sleeping so as to digest the food but I got knock out 30mins after I reach home. You cant blame me since its already 3.30am in the morning.
Woke up around 12pm and slack awhile before washing up and head off the Headingley - Cottage Road Cinema to watch TinTin with kiddo peck ki and Alyssa. I'm impressed by that cinema since it was build in 1912 and survived till now with only one movie screen and showing only 2 movies per day. That cinema looks like a theater to me, it's like 2 of the Singapore Cinema merge together. After the movie, we head off to KFC (Yay!) but it isnt that good like what I've expected it to be.. Kinda disappointed but never mind! Just have it once every few month should be alright. Heheh
Opps! Time to do some work! Wasted my whole day from studying!
Let me end off with my picture! (:
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Before Bon Fire! |
Food and Loves,
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Friday, November 4, 2011
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From my room |
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Road before my house |
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Path way home |
It has been ages since I blog and since I've the right feeling today I shall type my heart out!
Yes! It's a Halloween Friday with Bon Fire and Fireworks! (Remind me of Katy Perry's song.. Hahah) This week is really Hell to me, everything doesn't seems to be going the right way as it should be and kinda getting out of hand.
That's when I started to feel like a need to travel for a break.. But it ain't easy to travel without a trustworthy friend. So once again I started to browse through my Facebook photos from the start thinking it might help me reduce the feeling of wanting to travel but somehow it does the reverse effect...
After I came here, I've missed travelling, partying and supper. Oh well! I aint feeling good when I started writing, maybe because my heart feel so sore whenever I think about stuff. I should stop that and change back to being "Happy Go Lucky" because I dont wish to look old with all the things bothering me.
I shall discard all thoughts especially things that affect me all the way off into the sky and 5th November shall be the new beginning of everything! 8mins more though! I gotta go to sleep since tomorrow will be having Adventure Games at Nottingham and I've to wake up 6.15am.
Good night!
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Personality Types
Hello Lovelies
Wanted to blog about some stuff but I'm too lazy to type and I got to rest early today as tomorrow I will need to get up early for a netball game. So I'm just gonna share with you www.keirsey.com
Well! I think it seems to be quite true for me but I'm not very sure for you people! Do try it out no harm though! (:
Here is mine!
Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music. theater and dance but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical and industrial arts as well as the " art of the deal" in business.
All Artisans share the following core characteristics:
- Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic and focused on the here and now.
- Artisans pride themselves on being unconventional, bold and spontaneous.
- Artisans make playful mates, creative parents and troubleshooting leaders.
- Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom and dream of mastering action skills.
Artisan are most at home in the real world of solid objects that can be made and manipulated and of real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now. Artisans have exceptionally keen senses and love working with their hands. They seem right at home with tools, instruments and vehicles of all kinds and their actions are usually aimed at getting them where they want to go and as quickly as possible. Thus Artisans will strike off boldly down roads that others might consider risky or impossible, doing whatever it takes, rules or no rules, to accomplish their goals. This devil-may-care attitude also gives the Artisans a winning way with people and they are often irresistibly charming with family, friends and co-workers.
Artisans wants to be where the action is; they seek out adventure and show a constant hunger for pleasure and stimulation. They believe that variety is the spice of life and that doing things that aren't fun or exciting is a waste of time. Artisans are impulsive, adaptable, competitive and believe the next throw of the dice will be the lucky one. They can also be generous to a fault, always ready to share with their friends from the bounty of life. Above all, Artisans need to be free to do what they wish, when they wish. They resist being tied or bound or confined or obligated; they would rather not wait, or save, or store, or live for tomorrow. In the Artisan view, today must be enjoyed, for tomorrow may never come.
There are many Artisans, perhaps 30 to 35 percent of the population, which is good because they create much of the beauty, grace, fun and excitement the rest of us enjoy in life.
Artisans at work
Artisans seek to make an impact upon the organizations where they work and upon society at large. Their alertness to current realities, the joy they take in variation and their tendency to follow their instincts to 'what works' make them good troubleshooters and negotiators, talented performers and craftspeople and excellent leaders in all kinds of emergencies and chaotic situations.
Your heightened aesthetic sense can lead you to craft and perfect whatever work you take on. As a result, in your ideal job you would likely have the freedom to gather observations, collections of facts and set of skills in order to do your work. You can be thrilled when you slip through a window of strategic opportunity that colleagues or competition haven't yet seen.
So what do you think is yours?
Leave a comment for me to know! (:
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thousand needles
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Solid Mechanics |
Two post in a week and you can see how hardworking am I in blogging rather that studying. This aint good at all! ):
I've been trying to study Solid Mechanics from Wednesday till Saturday and I gave up around the evening and change to finish up my Engineering Mathematics Tutorial and Example. Guess what?! I finished everything by Sunday night. That's pretty impressive since there are stuff that I've forgotten and require some time to re-cap. The moment I put Solid Mechanics in front of me, my brain just literally tune off from thinking and doing anything. No choice but to continue my online Engineering Mathematics Homework.. And I freaking yet to do my Online Solid Mechanics Homework too! Omg! I feel so dead now. ):
Though it wont really affect anything but I need.. no it's a must to do it! So that I will be able to understand how it works. My brain is going offline every second passes, I should start training myself to stay awake in situation.. If not one day I might just die in peace when natural disaster hits..
I'm actually very impressed with myself on - no matter 'what time' and 'which place' I'm able to just sleep as if without being disturbed. Kinda like it because it proves that I sleep well but it ain't that good in some way is that I shut off from surrounding. If they have a sleeping competition, I'm pretty sure I will win. HAHAH
If only I could shut my brain off till the moment you appear in front of me, I won't have miss you as much as you miss me.
Alright! Time for me to get back to work then crash!
It's 12.15am.
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Friday, October 21, 2011
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Playing with webcam when I should be studying.. |
Aloha People!
Been awhile since I blog mainly is because of my laziness to think! Oh well! I've just recovered from the deadly illness of fever and cough. (Yay!) And since last week, I've been neglecting my studies due to the amount of sleep time required. Oh-My-God! Like now I'm supposed to be studying.. Guess what? In the end, I went to play Sims 2 till now without touching my work. *dang* (Should slap myself to start doing tutorials).
I've failed to stay awake in class after the first week of school.. Great isn't it?! Gosh! I've stopped pinching myself since it's self-abuse and painful. Changing my tactics to stuffing sweets into my mouth and keep it busy from chewing but sweets doesnt last long in my mouth I wonder why.. Is it because my saliva is too acidic or I ate too fast! ( I didn't chew though!) I should start concentrating in class and scribble down any notes even though my coursebook have it, this will keep me from falling asleep. Hahah!
Finally after so long, I've understand why does all the students keep scribbling down the notes the lecturer have on slides and whiteboard. I though they are just trying to be clever BUT I'm so wrong about it. -Sorry! *bow down* Well the reason they are keeping themselves busy so they doesnt fall asleep like I did in lesson. HA!
Alright! Timetable is changing again and I'm going to get more free time on Wednesday - Friday. (OhYeah!) The thing I dislike is only the 4hrs interval on Thursday Lab Class, I don't live in campus but 30minutes walk from campus leh! Omg. Have to try surviving in library and make it my second home.
I'm so going to move into campus next year so I can do whatever I like and its much more nearer to city! *Pif*
I'm officially registered for the school and gonna get my Student ID card on Monday! Supposedly should be doing it today but who the hell bring passport along whenever he/she go? So without passport I can't make my Student ID card so got to wait till Monday. Ohwell! As long as I'm registered, I'm cool about it! Okay enough of school stuff!
I'm pretty excited for winter to come especially in December! As Don is coming over for a trip to UK, he's going to pay for all my backpacking expenditure with him!! AND I will be heading down to Manchester with him to find Nicholas for Christmas celebration, after that might head over to Paris/Milan for backpacking trips! Yay! I can travel around without paying, how can I not be excited from it? *Ahem* Well its not like I force him to pay, he say its his treat as a fee for being a tour guide in Leeds to Manchester! Hahah! Seriously I like it when people treat me stuff don't really know why but its nice!
Kinda miss Adnan since in poly life, he was the one that pay for my food and movies.. And also brought me to USS to play and bought me an IPOD Nano as a farewell gift. He's one of the best human in the earth! So if you ever receive any present or gift from me.. It means you're a special friend of mine and someone treasure a lot.
Okay time for me to hit the sack!
Good night Lovelies!
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 2EN, UK
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Sick + sick = verge of dying
Fish Porridge |
Fever had dropped but cough isnt going away, maybe because of the food I ate this morning.. I had only bread and banana after that I just hide in my room till 3pm when my housemate cooked noodles for me! (Y) How sweet!
Made this card yesterday just because I'm too sick and doesnt want to transmit it to other. I'm so considerate right? (:
Hahah woke up in the night msg-ing, skyping and chatted with ShiNi and nJ, singing a song 'If I die young' by The band Perry. Seriously felt like dying during the night. Alright lets continue next by looking at the picture!
Hilarious right?! She's trying to act thin but failed miserably. After that they showed me a girl beside them èµ°å…‰ and that was seriously entertainment of the night for me.
Read a book before heading off to bed again. Calculated I slept 28hrs for 2days.
Yay and claps!
Damn my cough is still so irritating. Got to sleep noww!
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Friday, October 7, 2011
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I look different right?! HAHAH (The girls) |
Hey Lovelies!
This week is pretty much havoc for me since I'm all drenched out from studies.
Lecture went well and I only slept in Engineering Mathematics for these 2 weeks so overall I suppose I did well for trying hard to stay awake in lecture.
I suppose these week is the better compare to last week because I had my Wednesday free from lesson!!
So it's time to stock up my groceries and get some wool's clothing.. Weather is turning cold and I doubt I have thick clothing for it! ):
Met up with USS seniors for lunch before heading to post letter and get ingredients.
Sending letter is so expensive here;
Express (3days) - 54pounds
Express (4days) - 48pounds
Registered (7-9days) - 7<x<15
Normal (10days+) - 5pounds
I chose the Registered and went to Morrison to get my groceries, I spend aprox 50pound on a day for everything and the food is so freaking heavy till I want to die already. I wake like climbing Mountain with 20L of water in my bag ar.
Reached home and wanted to prepare my baked rice but the thought of time consume, I changed to eating Maggie.. Damn! Maggie low on stock! D:
Time to cook more weird stuff with the ingredients I have in my fridge. O;
Thursday is another shopping day for me in town and I bought a Jumper for 9.99pounds and 'Bear Grylls' Book for 13pounds like cheaper than SG though. So many books I wanna get ar! Damn! Save up please. ):
Went home after getting my stuff and didnt manage to cook dinner again and went out in the evening to pre-drinking session with USS peeps. And serious I drank till I cant walk straight but not drunk! HAHAH Went to Quilted Llama about 10 half and started dancing till 3am and it's freaking cold outside.. Felt like dying by then and I took out my heels and walked barefoot back to Lynn's place and slept till 8 half before preparing myself to go school.
Going to school like this is seriously killing me.. Totally cant concentrate in the lesson at all, fidgeting and tweeting.. Didnt get the last part of assembly and I think I'm dead for it. Oh well! Will be able to make it somehow! Heheh!
Headed home and the wind is freaking cold.. Wanted to cook at home but its too cold that I literally hide in a cafe and ate lunch there. Reached home and saw my postage, unpacked my stuff and showered before crashing till 7pm and head to cook my master piece! Heheh!
Headed home and the wind is freaking cold.. Wanted to cook at home but its too cold that I literally hide in a cafe and ate lunch there. Reached home and saw my postage, unpacked my stuff and showered before crashing till 7pm and head to cook my master piece! Heheh!
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Creation of Salmon Baked Rice (Taste Guaranteed) |
Alright! Need to wake up early tomorrow again so 'Be back soon!'
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Lesson Start!
Hello Sweetie!
Lovely garden! Heheh |
Monday-Friday is like a marathon for me, walking up and down hills with estimated 2.4km to school and 4.8km/trip and if i head to the city... It will take approximately 45mins and a distance of 4.5km.. Cool? So I was thinking that if there's any walking marathon, I'm very sure that English people will win the race. Of cos since I'm training with them so will I. Even though I left house 45mins earlier, I'm still pretty afraid of reaching the classes late since the distance is far and I walk way too slow.
Everyday machiam going to fight school war sia! I think if going to film about it will have 1080epsoide of school war routine. Everyone look damn tall (oh!) not look.. is just super tall, I'm like one head lower even with the ladies! Though they are tall, they still wear 3-5inch heels so its 'Giant VS dwarf!' whoever reaches school first shall will the war... *I know its lame but still a true story here*
Every night there will be party everywhere and all of them will go for the party as if they doesnt have any lesson for the next day. But it isnt true, they have lesson the next day and when its time for school they are like as if the night they didnt went for any party. Their dressing are so sexy, like woo woo *whistle*
Just wondering arent they cold since they bring no jacket nor wearing any cardigan. Hmm.. Like a cool story I know!
As for lectures it's as expected since all the teacher in the world earn a PhD in hypnotizing people in their lesson.. I literally pinch myself so that I wont doze off in lesson but it failed badly in Mathematics lesson, couldnt help it and I had finished up all my sweets so *poof* sleeping through.
Well most of the lecture, I did in Poly already and I'm able to do it like easy peasy.. I wonder why they doesnt allow me to skip a year.. Is it because I'm taking direct Master of Mechanical Engineering? Oh well I suppose I should just get all As' for this year to make my life more easier consequently. Went for volleyball try out, its really great that my legs started aching after a few jumps I did! I know that I havent been exercising for quite long and suddenly doing strenuous exercise my leg just died.
Current week temperature is pretty warm and cooling! I dont really hate it but that doesnt mean I like it too. I just hope it doesnt affect my body condition that will do. I've been wondering what's wrong with me, I'm like tripping over something everytime I walk no matter to where and when crossing roads and stuff I seems to be lost in thoughts and I'm glad no cars horn at me but they slowed down for me when its green light for them..
Friday is seriously the best day I had for the week! Went for morning lesson and headed back home with foods in my hand, sat in the garden with squirrels and fox were seen looking at me! (Not my food! I've already finished it before I saw them) They are just so cute! How I wish I'm Bruce Almighty so that I could speak to them and hang out with them. That's just imagination, it wont happen anyway. Hahah!
Had a drink in the night before heading out to meet up with Singapore Peeps and I freaking saw people in a white limo car sticking their head out shouting like mad! Ohmygod! That's the car I've yet to sat on so I would love to try it at least once! *Time to find a rich geek* HEHEH!
Going to crash the Oceana BBC party with Singaporean peeps! Had a pre-drinking session with Lynn, Clarissa and Sarah. My stomach turns the moment I drank without having dinner and I had Red Wine and Vodka shots before heading out (same without dinner)
Met up with the rest after the pre-drinking session, they were all so nicely dressed up and friendly and for me its a dress down! Who cares! I am my own style! I bought a heels and dress maybe I will wear it on the Asian party instead! Heheh! First time being in the VIP zone.. Like wow?! They have bed and big sofa with curtains on. After awhile they bought beer and wanted me to drink but I'm like NOOO! I dont like beer. Opps!
Gosh! The club song sucks seriously.. None of the songs are able to bring up my mood so Im quite sian there but with other people I just gotta be not sian and have fun. All of them are party animal sia! Dance like crazy and throughout the whole time. I stop at 2.30am just to rest myself, I'm just too sleepy and my muscle ache like some shit. So nothing much to envy about.
Decided to crash at Lynn's place and walked back home 10am in the morning. Good morning exercise and the moment I woke up, my stomach muscle ache too. Hmmm! There's another club session next week and I will be wearing the heels I bought.. Wondering how long can I dance..
Need to go shopping for stuff, I need tights and socks!!!
Where is my letter stupid Post Office! Its like taking forever to reach me! ):
My new cute friend! |
I'm trying to melt the ice-cream.. |
Sunday, September 25, 2011
United Kingdom
It has really been a long time since I've got time to blog.
It took me quite awhile to settle down in where I live and spending most of my times with my parents because their with me only for a week. ):
Time passes so fast that I cant really catch up with stuff that are happening.
While waiting for the guards to change shift, I snap a random picture. My parents look cute here! Don't you think? (: |
First time ever I swear that I took the flight myself to London and its nice! All I ever did on the plane was sleep throughout.. Even though I brought my books up on plane to read but I didn't even flip through a page. Opps /:
London was great but everything is just so expensive! I thought the hostel room might be bigger but its like the size of my house toilet.. HMMM! Their toilet are much more comfortable to others though.. Oh well I wont recommend Clink 78 to anyone since its a bit inaccessible than Clink 261.
The weather in London is a 'Yes' for me and I love it to the max! Did a lot of walking and visited all the main attraction of London.
Headed up to Leeds the following day and it's much colder than London since its more to the north I guess. Met up with the Welcome guide and headed off to find accommodation, its almost full everywhere! Like omg! So hard to find a hostel here! No choice but to stay over in a villa, clean, neat and quiet.. FREE Wifi at last! Been craving for internet access here isn't like Singapore that you can get a free Wifi or Connection.. You gotta pay! -_-
Oh well! Head off to the city after dropping off big bombs in the room, its a very long long walk to the city and I felt like never did I walk so long before. I wonder how the people endure walking like that EVERYDAY!
I've been walking typically 5km per day and I'm damn afraid that my tights will grow bigger (like omg!) Moved to my School accommodation straight the next day and met up with an English name Chelsey (Housemate) outside the house we're going to live in. Glad she doesn't mind that my parents could live with me till they leave for flight.
Same routine of going out to walk around and I bump into Nicholas (Brother and Da ge classmate), he suppose to be in Manchester but since his accommodation aren't ready yet so he visited his friends in Leeds and saw me! Ohhh! I didn't even met him before but he recognise the SPA windbreaker jacket!(FTW) Thanks to Wei Loon who never fails to wear everyday in poly I guess! Heheh! So nice to see someone who knows me though!
Soon another German name Helenia came and we became 3 good friends! Hahah! They are so nice and tall indeed.. I wonder how they grow till so tall and well-fed. /:
Right after that was Edward and Catherine moved in then Tommy, Ocean, Andrea and lastly Neff. So these is the White Lodge New Gather Family Members!
We decided that on every Sunday, we're going to have dinner together and today's dinner was Mexican Fitigai or something. Its yummy! (Y)
Did a little bit of shopping today with the girls to get a dress and heels for the upcoming Freshers' Ball held at Student Union.
Tomorrow is a new day and lessons are starting including meet of new classmates (mainly guys), hope everything goes well! (Feel kinda stupid why did I choose this course.. Oh well I did saw a girl there.)
Time to crash! Good night people!
In my small little room! |
Ignore the background! |
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Counting down...
3days before leaving Singapore
Seriously last week before leaving country is the busiest time ever.. It's like meeting up with people that you know and having fun but I guess what sucks most is always the application for Visa. So many stuff and document required and limited amount of time.
Especially when all the things get cock up and your left with just 2days to sum it up then it will be like rushing everywhere.
Oh well heading off to USS tomorrow and also check up with x-ray..
Hope my visa goes well though. O:
Its a must!
3days before leaving Singapore
Seriously last week before leaving country is the busiest time ever.. It's like meeting up with people that you know and having fun but I guess what sucks most is always the application for Visa. So many stuff and document required and limited amount of time.
Especially when all the things get cock up and your left with just 2days to sum it up then it will be like rushing everywhere.
Oh well heading off to USS tomorrow and also check up with x-ray..
Hope my visa goes well though. O:
Its a must!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Little by little
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Music |
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Adidas Twins |
Guess my time in Singapore is really short now..
Left with just 10days more to go and I'm gonna bid farewell to everyone.
Things that already been done cant be undone so time to move on in life.
Just got to screw this in my mind
Nothing is forever just like forever is nothing.I got a song dedicated to all but not gonna upload till the day I go off! Heheh!
It's to all my pals and buds in Singapore.. This song took me a week to practice and play though with mistake here and there too. (:
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pardon my language, I need to vent.
I'm freaking pissed-off.. Thanks to these 2 asshole.
Na bei.. Msg send around 9.24pm to meet up at the bus stop with the knowledge that you fucking people will be late.. Purposely left home 20mins later and guess what?! Fucking asshole still not yet at there but well I dont expect you to be there but at least on the way there IN a bus or something but you fucking people are ON THE WAY TO TAKE BUS. WTF x100?
Seriously you all are just bunch of immature and senseless fuckers. Thanks to you people my perfect Sunday had been ruined.. Happy? Shiok?
FUCK YOU! This is my last time asking you guys out for play and also going out with you people.
Saturday Malaysia also the same fucking thing happen.. If you happen to make a last minute changes to the meeting time, PEOPLE WITH FUCKING COMMON SENSE WILL MSG AND INFORM PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING ABOUT THE CHANGES. Guess what?
My friend WITH TOTAL NO FUCKING COMMON SENSE to inform people about the changes in timing just showed me fucking attitude when I call to ask them whether are they still going or not.
I did confront him about the time changes and why didnt they inform me.. guess what he said.. "Ytd night they last min say change meeting time to 3pm mah"
CB. One been through Army already.. Another one serving Army now.. STILL CANNOT USE BRAIN THINK MEH?
Well I had it, I dont have to make myself feel bad so I wont be going out with you guys ANYMORE and it's settled.. I wont ask and wont go ANYMORE! FUCKERS!
Na bei.. Msg send around 9.24pm to meet up at the bus stop with the knowledge that you fucking people will be late.. Purposely left home 20mins later and guess what?! Fucking asshole still not yet at there but well I dont expect you to be there but at least on the way there IN a bus or something but you fucking people are ON THE WAY TO TAKE BUS. WTF x100?
Seriously you all are just bunch of immature and senseless fuckers. Thanks to you people my perfect Sunday had been ruined.. Happy? Shiok?
FUCK YOU! This is my last time asking you guys out for play and also going out with you people.
Saturday Malaysia also the same fucking thing happen.. If you happen to make a last minute changes to the meeting time, PEOPLE WITH FUCKING COMMON SENSE WILL MSG AND INFORM PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING ABOUT THE CHANGES. Guess what?
My friend WITH TOTAL NO FUCKING COMMON SENSE to inform people about the changes in timing just showed me fucking attitude when I call to ask them whether are they still going or not.
I did confront him about the time changes and why didnt they inform me.. guess what he said.. "Ytd night they last min say change meeting time to 3pm mah"
CB. One been through Army already.. Another one serving Army now.. STILL CANNOT USE BRAIN THINK MEH?
Well I had it, I dont have to make myself feel bad so I wont be going out with you guys ANYMORE and it's settled.. I wont ask and wont go ANYMORE! FUCKERS!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Just another note
Got stuck with City Hunter and Sungkyunkwan Scandal Korean show.
I guess you can only find pretty boys in korea huh!
Wasting my time like nobody business now.. Hais..
I just hate people rushing me.. Im the one whose going studies not you guys.
So just shut the fuck up and wait for my decision and if I want to inform you about it. I will if not then move away and stop bothering me.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Just some thoughts..
Whenever I think about my future, I feel very uncertain.
Even though I already had my goal and dreams with me and pave crafted out by myself, I'm still afraid to think beyond that.
What if I couldn't go for overseas studies?
What if I lost myself when I'm there?
Of cos it wouldn't happen if I didn't make it to Uni of Leeds.They have accepted me but I still yet to receive my letters from them thus making no more further decision on booking of flights tickets. I'm just wondering did they regret taking me in or I'm just thinking too much.I don't know why.. When I'm seated right in front of my computer I tends to login in blogger but failed to type any of my thoughts out. I guess my mind is fucked-up when I wanted to express something and its to confused on what should be typed out first.
Just like recently my mind tends to emerge bad thoughts and imprint of people.. Like people being a burden to me but come to think of it.. I aint that perfect which makes me a burden to people too. Tons of reason. I'm doing my reflection for what I've done recently.. And conclusion for me were.. I'm not a very good friend for people since I never fails to put myself ahead of people when it should be the other way round.
It has been awhile since I'm able to type what I wanted to and I need to sort out my thoughts once again.Just got back from a trip to Redang and I felt so different.. It indeed had change over a year, what I've been through once was like a dream that never happened in reality.
Perhaps it has always been a dream..
"It should end at where it had started"
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
It's been awhile..
Lost of thoughts and picture when I wanted to blog..
And my laptop seems to be telling me that its gonna R.I.P soon either I reformat it or scrap it. Gosh.
My hates:
-When people delay my schedule
-Long-winded humans
-People who doesnt appreciates food
Recently, I found out a few more hates.. Though I guess it will just be in effect for awhile only. I wanted to continue my piano and skates but I aint got time to do so. *Pif* 24hrs seriously isnt enough..
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
SPA Graduation Trip!
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SPA 26th Batch! <3 |
Back from Krabi with
- Awesome peeps
- Awesome food
- Awesome bonding
- Awesome memories
This trip brought us worries but nevertheless it bond us more together.
We rode on bikes and had great food, we asked for more discount and bought lots of stuff.
Best part of the trip will be having fun on the beach playing ninja warrior sooo much laughter. (:
Well pictures shall speak for me noww! *Facebook for more photos! (:
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CCR (Cool Certified Rider!) :D |
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Ninja Warriors FTW! |
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The person wearing white helmet like nice only! /: |
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Buddha Jump! |
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The Rider & The Pillion |
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Like a BOSS! |
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SPA Polaroid! |
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We leave our mark at Krabi! (: |
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