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Playing with webcam when I should be studying.. |
Aloha People!
Been awhile since I blog mainly is because of my laziness to think! Oh well! I've just recovered from the deadly illness of fever and cough. (Yay!) And since last week, I've been neglecting my studies due to the amount of sleep time required. Oh-My-God! Like now I'm supposed to be studying.. Guess what? In the end, I went to play Sims 2 till now without touching my work. *dang* (Should slap myself to start doing tutorials).
I've failed to stay awake in class after the first week of school.. Great isn't it?! Gosh! I've stopped pinching myself since it's self-abuse and painful. Changing my tactics to stuffing sweets into my mouth and keep it busy from chewing but sweets doesnt last long in my mouth I wonder why.. Is it because my saliva is too acidic or I ate too fast! ( I didn't chew though!) I should start concentrating in class and scribble down any notes even though my coursebook have it, this will keep me from falling asleep. Hahah!
Finally after so long, I've understand why does all the students keep scribbling down the notes the lecturer have on slides and whiteboard. I though they are just trying to be clever BUT I'm so wrong about it. -Sorry! *bow down* Well the reason they are keeping themselves busy so they doesnt fall asleep like I did in lesson. HA!
Alright! Timetable is changing again and I'm going to get more free time on Wednesday - Friday. (OhYeah!) The thing I dislike is only the 4hrs interval on Thursday Lab Class, I don't live in campus but 30minutes walk from campus leh! Omg. Have to try surviving in library and make it my second home.
I'm so going to move into campus next year so I can do whatever I like and its much more nearer to city! *Pif*
I'm officially registered for the school and gonna get my Student ID card on Monday! Supposedly should be doing it today but who the hell bring passport along whenever he/she go? So without passport I can't make my Student ID card so got to wait till Monday. Ohwell! As long as I'm registered, I'm cool about it! Okay enough of school stuff!
I'm pretty excited for winter to come especially in December! As Don is coming over for a trip to UK, he's going to pay for all my backpacking expenditure with him!! AND I will be heading down to Manchester with him to find Nicholas for Christmas celebration, after that might head over to Paris/Milan for backpacking trips! Yay! I can travel around without paying, how can I not be excited from it? *Ahem* Well its not like I force him to pay, he say its his treat as a fee for being a tour guide in Leeds to Manchester! Hahah! Seriously I like it when people treat me stuff don't really know why but its nice!
Kinda miss Adnan since in poly life, he was the one that pay for my food and movies.. And also brought me to USS to play and bought me an IPOD Nano as a farewell gift. He's one of the best human in the earth! So if you ever receive any present or gift from me.. It means you're a special friend of mine and someone treasure a lot.
Okay time for me to hit the sack!
Good night Lovelies!
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