It's Sunday!
*Happy Mother's Day*
Thank you for being there when I need you though we quarrel sometimes and we got pissed off at each other but I always loveeee you the most!
Thank you gave birth to me in great hardship and love me more than your life.
Thank you for supporting me fulfill all my dreams and wishes.
Thank you for trusting me in everything I do.
Its a million Thank You and I will never ever be able to finish listing it.
I'm a hot n short-tempered person so forgive me if I ever throw temper.
Sometimes I really don't mean it and I wanted to say sorry but my pride stop me.
But you will always be my
One and Only Adorable Mum! xoxo <3!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The sweet couple!
* Have a blissful marriage!*
Been busy for the whole week and finally get to post some peektures!
It's my cousin wedding and his wife is gorgeous! O:
I wanted to snap some pictures but there's a professional photographer so I just took this as a cover page! Heheh. They went bintan to have their wedding shoots and my cousin book the whole villa. Cool not?!
I was invited but due to FYP last year I wasnt able to make it! ))):
Stupid FYP I seriously hate it. Well its over though and they invited us to go KL for their first wedding which is at the bride side AND I couldn't make it too because I'm WORKING! ): Nooooo
Oh well I needed money more so no choice anyway they invited us in Singapore Wedding located at Orchard York Hotel. It's grand just the ballroom abit small. O: 37tables they said. @@
Saw most of my aunt and cousin <3!
As usual a great welcome here are some peektures! I didnt take the food though except this....
My mum gave me a chicken head to eat rather than a meat -__-
Just like Shini bought me chicken backside as meal -___-
Why both my mum like that one?! I got such a sad life. ):
Left - Right: Cousin, Mum, Aunt(His son wedding though), Me
Alright that was before heading out and it's too warm so I didnt wear the vest first. Heheh!
Yeap! I only dress for occasion nothing else because I aint the one ironing clothes, washing clothes. So I wear those just dump into washing machine and dry is much better. I got the heart of old hag! HAHAH!
Had mahjong with Jas, Bro and Mum till 4am and slept till 1pm. Freaking tired but well worth didn't see her for quite sometime! (:
Had mahjong with Jas, Bro and Mum till 4am and slept till 1pm. Freaking tired but well worth didn't see her for quite sometime! (:
Okay! I needa go out and get some pressy for mumm! Hmmm *Bag Bag*
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